Sunday, September 22, 2019

"The Jungle"...

In a world where our wild habitat is shrinking by the minute, fewer of us appreciate how delicate this planet is. What is a "jungle"? The irony of one of the definitions is that it's a location marked by a struggle of survival. In modern days' context, that meaning takes on a new meaning.

There are those who are fortunate to live within a few hours of a state park. This photograph is from one of those state parks. Is it threatened? Yes. We have to be proactive to save these wild places, or they will be gone within the next generations lifetime.

Technical note: if you study the photograph closely, you may notice several starbursts (suns) in the corner. The light from the clouds was thin (intense) in several places, allowing the long exposure to expose the multiple thin clouds to appear as sunbursts.

Woolly Hollow State Park, Arkansas. 2006.
Photo # 2006512DSC_220121bws.
(c) Kelly Shipp Photography.

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