This is a self-portrait from a few years back when I was photographing an old Cotton Gin. I found myself gazing across the landscape.
Why is it that we find self reflection easier when we are gazing across farm land? Does it reflect on our ancestral background? Or does it reflect upon a simpler life, allowing for easier self reflection?
You may notice the ghostly appeal of this photograph. Partial credit goes to my choice of using infrared photography and the other are choices in my exposure and timing.
Location: central Arkansas.
Photo # IMG_2032_2039mod1b.
(c) Kelly Shipp.
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
"Self Reflection"...
Sunday, April 3, 2022
"The Farm Shop"...
A few years back, I had the privilege and approval to photograph interiors of the old, closed Laneburg High School in southwest Arkansas. This shelf of books was inside the "Shop" building of the school campus.
This photograph tells a variety of stories. Surprisingly, the books are in decent shape given their age. The greater story is the irony of the title of the series of books on the left: "Hunger Signs in Crops". The reason for the irony is that an increasing number of high schools are dropping their shop classes. This begs questions of the future education of farming and shop skills, much less the exposure of such during high school that carries into further education.
Hope you enjoy and comments are welcome.
Detail: Shop books, Shop building, Laneburg High School, Laneburg, Arkansas.
Built in the early 1900's, the Laneburg school was consolidated with four other school districts in 1985.
Photo # IM5_3993.
(c) Kelly Shipp.
Friday, April 1, 2022
"The Giants of Woolly Hollow"...
Sunlight peeks through the tall canopies in the forest.
Woolly Hollow State Park, Arkansas.
Photo # DSC_0220bws.