Sunday, June 30, 2024

"Flower Mystery"...

Here's another from my wildflower series that I've been photographing lately.
This one is rather mysterious that the out-of-focus flower blooms in the background look more like fog in black-and-white.
The small insect is the tiny Bee Fly (Diptera-Bombyliidae-Poecilognathus).

Forest floor near Conway, Arkansas.
Photo # DSCF0171-3bws.
(c) Kelly Shipp



Sunday, June 23, 2024

"Angelic Bloom"...

This is the Butterfly Pea (Clitoria mariana), which displays lavender-pink, pea-like flowers. It may be one of the most interesting and beautiful ivy blooms I have ever seen in the wild in Arkansas. It is a dense, evergreen, perennial twining vine in the pea family that is native to the southeastern United States. It's mainly a ground ivy, not climbing and I have often found it mixed with poison ivy, which is likely why I have just now discovered it - not one to hike in/around poison ivy. It is capable of fixing nitrogen in the soil.

I'll post a color photo soon. I wanted to show how stunning it is in black-and-white form first.
Forest floor near Conway, Arkansas.
Photo # DSCF1041-91c2bws2a.
(c) Kelly Shipp

Friday, June 21, 2024


 Wildflowers, Study 2.

Forest floor, near Conway, Arkansas.
Photo # K05_1937-48bw
(c) Kelly Shipp

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Soft Light...

 "Soft Light"

Photo # P1030020bw.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

"Something In The Air"...

A white-tailed buck pauses to smell the air.

Central Arkansas.
Photo # K05_2013cbw.
(c) Kelly Shipp

Saturday, June 8, 2024

"Where Acorns Rule"...

When early summer approaches, I seek out micro worlds involving mushrooms. Surprisingly, there are approximately 14,000 species of mushrooms. I took my time and searched for several hours to find this scene. Rain was about to begin and mosquitos were swarming all over me. I had to pause every few minutes to pull them away from this scene. Nothing was contrived in this scene, the acorns were actually where you see them in front of this tiny mushroom. I could have moved elements, but I wanted the scene be to captured as nature wanted it.
Hope you enjoy.

Forest floor, near Conway, Arkansas.
Photo # DSCF3647_BR8S4a.
(c) Kelly Shipp

Monday, June 3, 2024

"Landing in Another World"...

The temperature was about 20 degrees when I arrived before sunrise. It was as if I had landed in another world.  After creating a few photographs of the sunrise, I turned around to see my own shadow (and tripod), so I captured that moment.

Monument Valley floor.
Navajo Nation Reservation, Monument Valley, Arizona.
Photo # IM7_0344-46bw.
(c) Kelly Shipp

Sunday, June 2, 2024

"Water Expressions"...

A fast-flowing stream creates a visual perspective on how the water dances with the light.
I had a special guest also enjoying the flow of water. A damselfly is watching from a perch on the tree.

Woolly Hollow State Park, Arkansas.
Photo # DSCF1473bws.
(c) Kelly Shipp