Monday, May 28, 2018


One wonders if creatures also have moments of reflection.

White-tailed buck with velvet-covered antlers, central Arkansas, private land.
Photo # KSA_0614-15bw. August, 2017.
(c) Kelly Shipp Photography.

Saturday, May 26, 2018


After an April rain, large rain drops remain on blooming petals. Mother Nature nurtures us in many ways.

Photo # KSA_8618.
(c) Kelly Shipp Photography

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

"Peaceful Transitions"...

Waterfalls have this uncanny ability to provide a peaceful escape from a world of overbusy activity. Time stands still. You can breathe. You can begin to think clearly again. Here's to you finding your waterfall.

Cornelius Falls, located in central Arkansas, is 49 feet tall.
January, 2015.
Photo # KS6_6461-4-8hbws.
(c) Kelly Shipp Photography.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

"Birds of a Feather"...

These sibling, Juvenile Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) could not have posed for me any better than this. This is one of those moments that makes all the patience and respect pay off. These two siblings spent most of the day staying in the shade and sharing food.

Location: central Arkansas. September, 2013.
Photo # KS3_2493.
(c) Kelly Shipp Photography

Thursday, May 10, 2018

"1952 Grill Design"...

Rarely do we stop to appreciate the simple designs from eras gone by. Here's the impressive grill of a 1952 Ford "Big Job" F-7 truck.

Truck: 1952 Ford "Big Job" F-7.
Photo # IM3_4004bw.
(c) Kelly Shipp Photography.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

"Barn on the Hill"...

Location: central Arkansas.
Photo # IM3_3812abw. August, 2013.
(c) Kelly Shipp Photography.

Friday, May 4, 2018

"Closed Door"...

A dogtrot homestead, also known as a 'breezeway', was common in the late 1800's and early 1900's. One side was generally used for dining and cooking, while the other side were bedrooms. This homestead was built in 1913. It only had one chimney in the right-front room, whereas the left-front had a stove pipe in the ceiling, likely for a stove in the center of that room. The right side has three rooms, whereas the left side had one large and one small, which suggests the left side was the cooking/dining areas.

Location: central Arkansas. August, 2013.
Photo # IM3_3474-82hdr2bw.
(c) Kelly Shipp Photography