Sunday, April 28, 2019

"Shadows of Light"...

A single leaf stands-out in the snow against the shadows of the tree it fell. The location and perspective of where this leaf fell in the snow caught my eye.

Central Arkansas, March, 2015.
Photo # IM5_0524bw.
(c) Kelly Shipp Photography

Sunday, April 21, 2019

"Art in Motion: Bloom Swirls"...

The swirls and textures of the petals of the dogwood tree invite a second look and appreciation.
According to research, Dogwoods often take five to seven years before they begin to bloom in earnest. It is often good news that it takes a while to bloom, because the plant is happy and healthy rather than being under stress.
Also noted as a life lesson.

Photo # IM5_4796abwsc. April, 2019.
(c) Kelly Shipp Photography