Tuesday, January 24, 2017

"Peaceful Spirits"...

Trumpeter Swans (Cygnus buccinator) enjoy a peaceful, winter day at the lake.

Magness Lake (central Arkansas). January, 2014.
Photo # IM3_5947c2.
(c) Kelly Shipp Photography.

Friday, January 13, 2017

"Waterfalls of Light"...

Light comes in many forms whether it's internal or external. It can be in the air, or as in this photograph, in the water. Hope you enjoy. Comments welcome!

Waterfall, Woolly Hollow State Park, Arkansas. February, 2010.
Photo # 10213_KS10145bw.
(c) Kelly Shipp Photography.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

"Woolly Hollow State Park in snow"...

The drops of water at the lower left is melting snow from the branches above me. Hope you enjoy. Comments welcome.

Woolly Hollow State Park, Arkansas. February, 2010.
Photo # 10210_KS10014p3bw.
(c) Kelly Shipp Photography.

Friday, January 6, 2017

"Moments of Warmth in Snow"...

A Fox Squirrel enjoys the last moments of sunset on a snowy landscape.

February, 2010.
Photo # 1029_ks20386.
(c) Kelly Shipp Photography.