Friday, March 1, 2024

"Sun breaks on Monument Valley floor"...

You can see the dramatic mix of clouds and sky in this photograph. I braved the 4-mile desert hike in sustained 20 mph winds, gusting to 40 mph, all while praying the rain wouldn't reach me during the hike. Over a mile into the hike, the sun broke through the clouds and provided a wonderful, dramatic view of the East Mitten Butte.
Being over 1,000 feet high, the summit of East Mitten Butte is 6,226 feet in elevation. The rocks of the valley are mostly sedimentary, dating from between the Permian to the mid-Jurassic.

East Mitten Butte, Navajo Nation Reservation, Monument Valley, AZ.
Photo # IM7_1526-36bw.
(c) Kelly Shipp

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